As previously announced, the third Graduate Sympiosium organized by the Platform moderne Kunst will take place on Friday, June 17 at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, in the Erasmus Building (Erasmusplein 1), room E. 11.10. This edition was organized by Wouter Weijers.
During the symposium, graduate students from the various universities in the Netherlands will present their research results in the field of Modern and Contemporary Art. This is includes both ´work in progress´ and recently completed studies in the field of the visual arts and architecture of the modern period (after 1789) or topics related to this focus area. The presentations are focused on specific research topics as well as matters of demarcation, formulating research questions, methods, theoretical frameworks and positioning oneself as a researcher in the field.
10.30-11.00 Daria Tuminas, RUL: Questioning Narrative in Photography: Some Considerations about the Point of View Concept
11.00-11.30 Stefaan Vervoort, VU: Luc Deleu–T.O.P. Office: the Specificity, Place and Presence of the Sculptural Phenomenon
12.00-12.30 Marijke Goeting, RU: The Particularities of Place: Christian Boros’ Collection of Contemporary Art in Berlin
13.30-14.00 Daniël van der Poel, VU: The Digital Turn in Visual Art
14.30-15.00 Mariana Bufill, RUL: Art Historical Mechanisms Regarding Conceptual Art from Latin America
15.30-16.00 Michelle Franke, RU: Staging Imaginaries. On the Political in Contemporary Performances from Central America and the Caribbean
16.00-16.30 Mark van Gend, UU: In de woorden van De Stijl. Een revaluatie van de positive van het tijdschrift De Stijl
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